Find answers to your questions here.

We hope you find what you are looking for! If not, shoot us an email at and we'll be in touch with you shortly. For Icebreakers, you can also check out our tutorials page for more info.
How much does it cost?
Each LarkApps app is priced independently, please refer to the product pages for pricing information at the bottom.

What is Enterprise Plan pricing?
The enterprise plan is for companies that require custom feature development above and beyond what the is offered in the current suite of features. This is set on a case-by-case basis.
What is Icebreakers?
Icebreakers is a Slackbot that makes getting to know your coworkers fun. Research has clearly shown that teams that connect with each other on a personal level are significantly more efficient and productive than those that don't. Icebreakers facilitates these personal connections by nudging teammates to share about themselves.

How do I set up Icebreakers?
Getting started with Icebreakers is super easy. Click the "Add to Slack" button on the Icebreakers page, which will integrate @icebreakers to your workspace. You (the Slack installer) will get a greeting DM from @icebreakers with relevant info. No one else in the workspace will be pinged, from here it's up to you to onboard. Type "help" to access all the actions that you can do.

How does Icebreakers work?
When you install Icebreakers, by default it connects to your #random channel (if available), and sends all members in that channel a DM on Mondays to share their weekend highlights or fun links, and sends randomly selected members a DM on a later day in the week (Wed-Fri) with rotating questions. Once everyone has been nudged to the rotating questions, Icebreakers prompts team members with the next Question Set. All responses are published to the Publishing Channel of your choice! For more info, check out our Tutorials page.

Is there a how-to guide of Icebreakers? What are all the things I can do with Icebreakers?
Yes, you can find more info here.

Who will be asked Icebreakers questions?
You can customize who you'd like to be asked Icebreakers questions. You can have it be only new employees (to give them a big welcome to the team!) or have current employees featured as well. It never hurts to get to know your teammates, even if you've already been working together for a while.

Who can view my Icebreakers answers?
Your answers to the Icebreakers questions are public and become a part of your Icebreakers profile. They are posted in the selected channel and subsequently can be viewed by anyone in your company by sending a message to @icebreakers.

How can I see a coworker's answers to Icebreakers questions?
One of the best things about Icebreakers is the ability to go back and see someone's responses at any time! To do this, simply go to @icebreakers, type 'help', then select 'View History', then type in @username. Their history should pop up.

What else can I do with Icebreakers?
Try typing "help" and see everything that @icebreakers can do.

How do I invite other coworkers to check it out?
If @icebreakers is integrated already with your Slack team, then anyone on the team can get started by DMing "help" to @icebreakers.

What channel should I post Icebreakers responses to?
That's entirely up to you! We suggest that you pick a channel that all of your team members are in so that everyone can see icebreakers responses. #random is always a good choice!

What is the pricing?
Our pricing can be found at the bottom of the product page - scroll down on the Icebreakers page to see. Sometimes we run special discounts, so to get the latest integrate Icebreakers to your workspace, DM @icebreakers "help" then click on "Check Pricing".

Do you have special pricing for non-profits?
Unfortunately, not today. We do enable Slack communities to use Icebreakers for free. If you are in this boat, ping us at [email protected] and we'll set this up for you.

Do you enable private channels for Publishing Channel?
Yes, absolutely! After you install Icebreakers, type "help" then click on "Publishing Channel" to update your channel preferences. Be sure to add @icebreakers to your private channel first, otherwise Icebreakers will not be able to access and connect.

Do you enable multiple Publishing Channels for the same workspace?
We are currently doing a closed beta of this feature. If you are interested, email us at [email protected] and we'll get you on.

Can I customize Icebreakers questions?
Currently you can customize the rotating questions all through Slack - see here. Currently there isn't a way for the admins to directly customize the Monday weekend highlights prompt, but if you would like to do this email us and we'll work with you through this.

How do I check when rotating questions go out?
DM @icebreakers "help", then click on "Sendout Time". This will tell you when the weekly rotating questions go out. For Weekend Highlights prompt, this nudge goes out to all members in the Publishing Channel between 8AM-1PM (local time) on Mondays.

I don't see how I can make these edits. Am I an admin?
You can check whether you have Admin privileges by DM-ing @icebreakers "help", then clicking on "See Admin Info". If you are listed here, then you should have access to the full Admin menu.

When I change the publishing channel, how do we handle new people? Does this reset? What about people that have already received the questionnaire vs. now?
Yes, when admin changes the publishing channel, we reset everyone's status. Anyone that is already part of the new publishing channel is considered existing employees. Any new employees that join this channel will be marked as new from this point on.

New members aren't getting the New Teammate Questions. Can I fix this?
So sorry to hear this. To confirm, there are two requirements for the new teammate to be nudged; (1) the new teammate must be added to the Publishing Channel; (2) @icebreakers is added to Publishing Channel. If these two requirements are met but you are still having issues, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll take care of you!
What is Tasker?
Tasker is a slackbot task manager that helps you and your team execute flawlessly. @tasker has built-in accountability via persistent nudging of outstanding and overdue tasks, and also celerbrates task completions via fun GIFs.

How do I set up Tasker?
Getting started with Tasker is super easy. Start with the "add to Slack" button on our website, integrate with your team, and @tasker will help you out from there.

Are tasks private or public?
By default all tasks are searchable by all team members. When tasks are completed, celebratory gifs are posted in a public channel, therefore viewable by everyone.

What are the abilities of task admins, owners, watchers, and everyone else?
@tasker allows for different roles - admin, owner, watchers, and everyone else. Admins get daily digests of all outstanding tasks for their team, can update any task, and gets a notification of whenever a task is updated. Task owners get requested for daily updates on their own outstanding asks, can update their tasks, and get notifications of whenever their task is updated. Watchers get notifications when tasks are updated. Everyone else can look up everyone else's tasks, but cannot modify then. Anyone can create a task at any point in time.

What else can I do with Icebreakers?
Try typing "help" and see everything that @tasker can do.

How do I invite other coworkers to check it out?
If @tasker is integrated already with your Slack team, then anyone on the team can get started by DMing "help" to @tasker.
What is Micro-feedback?
Micro-feedback is a Slackbot that enables you to give and get micro-feedback with your coworkers. Do you like waiting 5 months to find out how you are doing at work? We don't either, which is why we created this frictionless and delightful micro-feedback experience.

I already have a zillion things to do, why should I do this on top of all the other HR stuff?
We get it. When you are fighting fires all day the last thing you want is more work. For that reason we designed an experience that is succinct yet high-impact. One micro-feedback is designed to be 30 SECONDS or less, with a emoji selection and 200-characters snippet. With all this feedback, we also save you a ton of time when your review process rolls around by providing you with a robust history of feedback that you can use! Think of all the fun things you can do those 6 hours on a Sunday afternoon rather than writing reviews...

How do I set up Micro-feedback?
Installing Micro-feedback is easy-peasy. Start with the "add to Slack" button on our homepage, integrate with your team, and voila our own @lark will guide you through the process. We NEVER spam any members or channels.

Who can see my feedback?
At CareerLark, we believe in creating a culture of transparency. You always have access to all of the feedback that you've given and received. Your manager and HR have access to all the feedback that you've received, including from your peers, if they request for it.

What info does Micro-feedback have access to?
CareerLark only has access to the chat history when you chat with @lark directly in DM. We don't store any other data unrelated to our product. For the full explanation, please check out our Terms of Service.

How do I invite other coworkers to check it out?
If @lark is integrated already with your Slack team, then anyone on the team can get started by DMing "help" to @lark.

What else can I do with Micro-feedback?
Try typing "help" and see everything that @lark understands.

I don't feel comfortable, can I give someone feedback anonymously?
Yes, when you give feedback you can select anonymous as an option. However, feedback given anonymously to your coworkers and their managers will still be viewable by HR with your name attached. So please only select anonymous for things you would otherwise feel uncomfortable saying. In all cases, remember to be constructive!

I don't have time to respond to all these feedback requests, what should I do?
For Mr. & Ms. Popularities like you, we are working on giving you control over how many feedback requests you get how often. In addition, feedback requests expire after 48 hours. We don't want these requests to pile up like that long list of emails that are sitting in your inbox...if you catch it great, if not then give feedback next time.

Who should I ask and how often?
Similar to the goals that you are setting up, this depends on your situation. We find that being courteous of others' time is the key, and once a week or every other week works well for most coworkers. Your manager may want to give you more hands-on feedback on a daily or every-other-day basis, but be sure to check-in before setting this up!

I want to use this tool but feel awkward using it. Suggestions?
That depends on why you feel awkward. One option: you can ask your HR if they are interested in testing this with your team if you don't want to be the only one. We're happy to help, please reach out to [email protected] and we can have those conversations with HR.

If I leave feedback on Friday will my co-worker be able to see the latest feedback I left on Friday when they log in on Saturday?
Yes, your co-worker will receive a notification that you responded to her feedback request on Friday. They can also see all of the feedback you had previously left them (including the newest feedback) directly from Slack.

CareerLark Reviews
How is your product completely free?
At CareerLark, our ultimate goal is to help you increase your team productivity and engagement by applying the latest AI technologies on employee performance data and giving you insights and recommendations. Therefore, our baseline software for process management will always be free forever, and we will charge for these value-add services.

What are all the features available for the CareerLark web platform?
On the CareerLark web app, you'll be able to:send your colleagues real-time micro-feedbackrequest feedback on yourself or your direct reports - choose from our list of best-practice questions, or write your ownaccess feedback history for your reports, your peers, and yourself when writing reviewsset up automated review cycles, using our best-practice guidelinesbuild assessment templates with our template creation tool - customize response formats, answer visibility, and moretrack progress for live review cycles with our analytics dashboardmanage your live cycle with our robust controls - easily add late participants, update peer reviewers, and modify the review schedule

I'm interested! Where do I sign up?
You can get started on your own at live.careerlark.com!

Can we come up with custom questions for self-reviews (and all other reviews for that matter)?
Yes, absolutely. you can use the template system to come up with whatever questions you want.

We had an employee who is changing to a new manager.  I have updated in the system, but does this automatically redirect his review in process to his new manager?
It does not, the reviewing manager is set once she is added to the system. If the employee does not have any saved or submitted answers, you can delete her from the cycle and re-add her after the manager has been updated. This will update her reviewing manager.

When employees complete their reviews, are they automatically showing up in their manager's queue to review / complete the manager assessment?
The manager gets an email from us saying that their direct report has completed her self-assessment. And the manager should see the answers in the right dark grey column when she clicks into the review cycle.

When employees complete their reviews, is only the manager / admins available to see the review or are any of the items available for all to see?  I have been asked this by a few people and I want to make sure I am speaking confidently on my responses re: employee privacy.
Yes, only the manager has access to answers that are not "Company/HR Only", and only the admins have access to all answers for all assessments.
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